Friday, December 29, 2017

Bye Bye, Sweet Susie

by David A Estes

Just before Jeff Timberlake’s mother dies, she hands him an envelope and instructs him to deliver it to an old friend in the town of Marlow, Missouri. This suits him fine because Marlow is on the way to St. Louis where he’s going to apply for a newsman job at a radio station. 

When he hits the outskirts of Marlow he sees a billboard that reads … ‘SUSIE McCORD DIED HERE’. The words pique his interest. Is Susie McCord a celebrity? someone he should know? He’s not sure, but one thing he discovers is the town folks clam up when he starts asking questions. His journalistic nose tells him something is going on in the city of Marlow.

David A. Estes has written 10 novels so far and I've read three of them. I love his Ozarkian style of writing, especially depicting the 1950s or 1960s as in this book. I enjoyed the interaction between Jeff and the people of Marlow. As Jeff noses into the town's business, I was waiting for someone to run him out of town. I thought it a tad unbelievable that he could solve a four-year-old mystery of who killed Susie McCord within less than a week though. But then sometimes those things are easy in books.

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